March 18, 2025


The new Evergine release provides a new add-on that adds support for the DICOM medical imaging format.

DICOM is the most adopted file format for medical imaging. Back in the days, the manufacturers of computed tomography and magnetic resonance devices provided their own solutions for the storage and transmission of images. DICOM came as the first effort in the industry to crate a standardized format that everyone could adopt.

The DICOM standard specification has been growing over the years to meet the requirements of manufacturers and medical professionals. The current specification is very extensive: over 6000 pages and 22 chapters.

This add-on has been developed to fulfil the requirements of our clients in the medical and dental industry.


Load ZIP archives

The add-on has been designed for ease of use. Just load any ZIP container with the DCM files.

We use the DCMTK C++ library under the hood. The loading process is very fast.

3D visualization

Visualization of the DICOM in 3D using custom volumetric raytracing.

2D slices visualization

Visualization of the 2D X, Y, Z slices.

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Density Range Control

Allow professionals to control the density range the need to visualize.

Plain Concepts Research: Density Range Control

Seamless interaction with other objects in the scene

Our DICOM models are blended together with other objects in the scene. Occlusions between the DICOM and other opaque objects works as you would expect.

How to get started

Download the latest DICOM Add-on

Open Evergine Studio with your project. Then, go to project settings:

In the Add-Ons tab find “Evergine.Dicom” and install it.

Check out the Demo in github

We have prepared a demo project in github that show the basic usage of the DICOM add-on. Go check it out:

Read the Documentation

The documentation manual will walk you through all the features and how to use them correctly:

Alejandro Juan Pérez
Plain Concepts Research

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