Here you will find all the news related to Evergine, and the most important news from the graphic and industrial sector.

September 28, 2022
Announcing the new Evergine major release
We announced Evergine 2022.9.28. This is the second major release of this year 2022 following our roadmap with 2 major releases per year. In this major release we have added a bunch of new features and improvements, thanks to our customers’ feedback.

September 28, 2022
In the latest release of Evergine, we have added a new extension to create your own Augmented Reality applications.

September 28, 2022
New Font and Text feature
In this release, Evergine includes support for fonts and texts without any external libraries.

September 28, 2022
HandTracking on Quest
In this Evergine release, the OpenXR integration now has Hand Tracking capability. Hand Tracking in XR applications allows users to interact with virtual objects and environments using their hands.

September 28, 2022
Mathematics faster than ever
Within the new Evergine 2022.9.28, we released a new version of our Evergine.Mathematics library, which uses a hardware-accelerated instruction set designed by the CPU manufacturers.

September 28, 2022
New Particle System Editor
Evergine improved its particle system: From now on, it will be an asset with its own editor, easing and helping the development when dealing with multiple instances of the same particle system.

September 28, 2022
ImGui Extension Plus Imguizmo, Implot, Imnodes
In the latest version of Evergine, we support ImGui and three of its best extra modules to enable rich interfaces and tools inside your Evergine applications.

September 21, 2022
Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality: Trends and Challenges
We review the obstacles and the future of augmented and virtual reality in the business sector.

September 14, 2022
Immersive technologies: Retail's next step?
Consumers' purchasing goods and services has shifted to a more immersive retail model. Here are the keys trends and benefits.

July 27, 2022
3D Viewer to Measure the Visual Impact of Offshore Wind Farms
Introducing Viawind, our 3D tool that shows the most reliable and realistic view of an offshore wind project's visual impact.