
Here you will find all the news related to Evergine, and the most important news from the graphic and industrial sector.
picture about augmented reality and travel and tourism industry
December 07, 2022
How augmented reality enhances tourism and the travel experience
New technologies are not at odds with more traditional tourism. In fact, augmented reality serves to provide new experiences.
November 30, 2022
Ways in which Augmented Reality is transforming sports
Sports broadcasts, training sessions, new forms of marketing and advertising, betting... These are just some of the examples of how augmented reality is transforming the industry.
picture about augmented reality and ecommerce
November 23, 2022
How to apply augmented reality in e-commerce
Augmented reality applied to e-commerce helps to boost sales, redesign stores or learn more about customers.
November 16, 2022
Extended Reality for Industry 4.0
Extended reality is essential to facilitate the path toward the digitization of the industry. We explain how and which are the most widespread use cases.
November 09, 2022
Immersive Journalism: The future of the industry?
Interactivity is one of the most exciting features of the media industry, and applications of immersive technologies will shape the media industry's future. How can publications and journalists reconnect with lost audiences?
picture about real estate and metaverse
November 02, 2022
Real estate metaverse: new uses and investment
The real estate metaverse presents investment opportunities similar to those in the real world and new uses for builders and decorators.
picture about virtual and augmented reality in health
October 26, 2022
Virtual and augmented reality in the healthcare sector
Virtual and augmented reality are changing the healthcare sector. At Evergine we know how to apply these changes to improve health.
picture about augmented and mixed reality in manufacturing
October 19, 2022
Augmented and Mixed Reality in the Manufacturing Sector
The use of augmented and mixed reality brings great business benefits to many industries. We explain how to do it with Evergine.
October 13, 2022
What will Extended Reality mean for business?
Extended reality offers new ways to interact with products and services, while boosting customer engagement and loyalty. We take a look at what it is, its applications and benefits.
October 05, 2022
Augmented Reality in Education: New ways of understanding teaching
Augmented reality helps to improve students' results thanks to its great versatility. We tell you how with real examples and how it relates to Evergine.

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