
November 16, 2021
A prefab is an asset that contains a serialized entity and can be instanced in your scene. Evergine is adding an early version of our new Prefab system, with a core of new features while we’re working on adding new interesting ones in the short future. In this first version, we support the prefab creation and instancing, and we plan to add a full feature-complete editor in our next version.
render evergine
November 16, 2021
Raytracing in Evergine
Raytracing is a technology that allows us to improve the realism of our render. The Evergine team has unified the DirectX12 DXR and Vulkan Raytracing APIs into a single common API. To showcase the capabilities of Evergine's low-level raytracing API, in conjunction with the release of Evergine, we have created a raytracing demo that you can download from GitHub.
November 15, 2021
Evergine package system
Evergine itself uses NuGet format to be distributed, and thanks to that we provide many built-in behaviors, components or services. But it’s not that easy if you want to share assets like textures, effects or materials from the Content folder of an Evergine project. To solve this problem, we have been working in a new package system, that will let you distribute assets that could be reused in many projects.
November 15, 2021
New Evergine Documentation
In Evergine we are putting a lot of effort into improving the official Documentation. This was one of our major weak points in WaveEngine, and taking that into account we are proud to show our new Documentation website.
Post processing evergine
November 15, 2021
Advanced Postprocessing Graph in Evergine
Evergine includes a new postprocessing graph asset that allows you to define a graph of the postprocessing effects used in your render. All nodes of the postprocessing graph are based on Compute shaders to ensure the best performance in your render. The new postprocessing asset can be edited by the new postprocessing graph editor that you can find inside Evergine Studio.

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